Redmine開発者Jean-Philippe Lang氏、ビデオメッセージで日本のコミュニティへの感謝と今後の方針を語る

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Redmineの開発者Jean-Philippe Lang氏からビデオメッセージが7月16日に開催された「Redmine 10周年を祝う会@東京」に寄せられました。日本のRedmineコミュニティへの感謝と、今後のRedmineの開発方針を語っています。Redmineについての方針をJean-Philippe Lang氏が姿を見せて語った貴重な映像です。

このビデオメッセージは、イベントを主催した のスタッフの方々の調整によりいただくことができました。 は関東を中心にRedmineの勉強会を開催するなどの活動を2011年から行っているコミュニティです。


日本語訳 (訳 = @mattani さん)

Hi, I am Jean-Philippe Lang the author of Redmine. I'm really proud to know that you celebrate the 10th anniversary of Redmine today in Tokyo and I'd like to say few words.

First, I'd like to thank you guys in Japan for making the wonderful programming language that is Ruby. It made Redmine possible. Actually I started to write Redmine 10 years ago in order to learn the Ruby language and it's still a wonderful experience to work with it.

Then I'd like to say a big thank you to the Redmine community in Japan. It's one of the most active in the world and Toshi and Go in particular do a very valuable job each day. This is really helpful to keep Redmine moving in the right direction as I try really hard to take care of the users feedback to improve Redmine.

The next big change will be to upgrade Redmine to Ruby on Rails 5, the Rails team made a great new release but it brings some changes to the testing framework that will need a lot of time to apply to Redmine (about 2 thousands tests to update).

For Redmine 4, I would also really like to bring some UI/UX improvements and maybe make use of things like Turbolinks and ActionCable to make Redmine faster to use and more responsive. The UI didn't change much in 10 years if we except the introduction of the responsive design in Redmine 3.2. So if you guys come up with some ideas today, please share them with the community to make Redmine even better. Thank you. Have a good day and enjoy your party!

作成: 2016-07-22 00:00  •  分類: